Online program (subject to change)
You will also have the opportunity to participate online in the main events of the ISPOG Congress and the three-country conference of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, which will take place at the same time.
The events of the ISPOG Congress will be held in English, those of the Three-Country Meeting in German.
Here you will find the program in case of online participation.
Wednesday July 13, 2022
Congress opening
Opening lecture
Thursday July 14, 2022
Hauptvorträge 1: (in German)
Sexualität, Schwangerschaft und Geburt in Zeiten von Corona
Main session 1:
(Post) Pandemic World
Hauptvorträge 2: (in German)
Transgenerationale Verarbeitung traumatischer Erfahrungen – Krisenbewältigung zwischen Last und Leichtigkeit
Main session 2:
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Friday July 15, 2022
Main session 3:
Trauma & childbirth
Hauptvorträge 3: (in German)
Social Distancing – gestern – heute – wie weiter?
Oral presentation 1
ISPOG Diamond Jubilee Reminiscences
Saturday July 16, 2022
Main Session 4:
Pregnancy and Covid-19
Hauptvorträge 4: (in German)
Die Covid-Dynamik – im Krankenhaus und in der Gesellschaft
Closing ceremony
Main sessions of the ISPOG Congress (in English)
Main session of the three-country meeting (in German)
Lecture topics and speakers of the main sessions of the ISPOG Congress (in English) and the Three-Country Meeting (in German)
Wednesday, July 13 2022
Congress opening
Opening lecture
Pandemics and Human Suffering: The Image of the Doctor in Camus’ ethics of responsibility
Eva Illouz (IL)
This lecture has 2 parts: the first investigates 3 different ways of understanding pandemics: as a breakdown of social order; as an increased surveillance from the state; and as the opportunity to display an ethics of responsibility. In the second part of the lecture, I show how Camus’ existentialist approach to the plague is in fact the best way to understand the nature of the social breakdowns brought about by a pandemic as that of the Coronavirus.
09.00 – 10.30 Uhr
Hauptvorträge 1: Sexualität, Schwangerschaft und Geburt in Zeiten von Corona (in German)
Die Corona-Krise: Liebe, Sex und Alltag. Frauenleben im Ausnahmezustand.
Kristina Hametner (Wien)
Alte und neue Ordnungen der Berührung
Ulrike Kadi (Wien)
Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Wochenbett in der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie
Mirijam Hall (Wien)
Main Session 1: (Post) Pandemic World
The Impact on Women‘s Mental Health during times of Pandemic
Mechthild Neises-Rudolf (DE)
Transfer of “Knowledge” (fake and facts) with regard to Covid-positive pregnancies and deliveries and the impact on delivering women and staff.
Barbara Maier (AT)
Stress and resilience in the (post)pandemic world. Psychobiological considerations
Ulrike Ehlert (CH)
Transgenerationale Verarbeitung traumatischer Erfahrungen – Krisenbewältigung zwischen Last und Leichtigkeit (in German)
Psychosoziale Folgen von sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt
Philipp Kuwert (Stralsund)
Traumatherapie mit dem Introjekt – Ererbte Wunden heilen
Katharina Drexler (Köln)
Transgenerationale Verarbeitung traumatischer Erfahrungen biopsychosoziale/psychoneuroimmunologische Aspekte
Petra Arck (Hamburg)
Pregnancy and childbirth
Tocophobia – Novel therapeutic regimen
Gabi Eisenberg Romano (NL)
Post partum depression
Kerstin Weidner (DE)
Friday, 14 July 2022
Trauma & Childbirth
Trauma and Childbirth
Mariëlle van Pampus (NL)
Impact of traumatic childbirth on the whole family and development of brief interventions to combat this
Antje Horsch (CH)
Social Distancing – gestern – heute – wie weiter? (in German)
Gratwanderung zwischen Distanz und Nähe – Umgang mit Corona im Klinikalltag der Schweiz
Sibil Tschudin (Basel)
Beziehungen in Zeiten der Pandemie – Das Potenzial der Krise für Resilienz und persönliches Wachstum
Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello (Bern)
Das psychische Befinden von Frauen in der Pandemie
Anki Ging (Bern)
Saturday, 16 July 2022
Pregnancy and Covid-19
Psychosomatic (-social) impact on SARS-Cov-2 positive and Covid-19 symptomatic pregnant and delivering women as well as on postpartum care of their newborns
Mirijam Hall (AT)
The impact of working conditions on postpartum mental health and family relations – re-evaluated in light of COVID-19
Ronja Schaber (DE)
Addressing Disparities in Prenatal care via Telehealth During Covid-19: Experiences from East Harlem in New York City
Camille Clare (US)
Use of Telehealth due to COVID-19: Assessment of PMAD (Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders) in the Virtual Setting
Kristine Norris (US)
Die Covid-Dynamik – im Krankenhaus und in der Gesellschaft (in German)
Belastung für das medizinische Personal während der Covid-19 Pandemie
Eva Wimmer (Wien) Birgitta Schiller (Wien)
Aktualisierung von Global Health Ethics durch die Pandemie
Karl-H. Wehkamp (Bremen)
Migration und Pandemie
Mehrnaz Pohl-Shirazi (Dresden)
Closing ceremony